Ready, Set, Govern: The Key Work of School Board Members
In today’s high-stakes educational environment, the daily pressure on governance leaders is enormous. The more effective the board team, the better a school district’s students perform. The Key Work of School Boards provides a framework that reflects “best governance practices” that are traceable to high-performing boards and high-performing school districts. This session provides an overview of a relevant and reliable governance guide to a board during times of conflict and ideas to become a stronger team. This session, though not required, is also the beginning of the Ready Set Govern track, a series of sessions for both newly elected members and those individuals wanting a refresher on core areas of board work.
Mary Fertakis, M. Ed, M Fertakis Consulting, LLC
Timi Tullis, M. Ed, Timi’s Training and Facilitation, LLC
A Path to Effective and Engaging School Board Meetings
It is through board meetings that school boards fulfill their function and responsibility for public education and the only way that boards can conduct business and take action. Effective meetings reflect on the boards' work and help enhance the relationship with the superintendent, families, and the broader community. This session will explore the elements of successful school board meetings from start to finish. Attendees will delve into building a cohesive school board team, planning effective meetings, your role in meetings, fostering community involvement, sunshine laws, good governance, and ultimately leading to better transparency, efficiency, connectedness, and decision-making.
Jenni Lefing, Membership Services Manager, Association of Alaska School Boards
Tiffany Jackson, Membership Services Director, Association of Alaska School Boards
Creating the Conditions for High-Quality Special Education on a Budget
What do school board members need to know about special education to ensure they set the conditions that meet legal requirements, produce breakthrough outcomes, and don't break the bank? School boards have three responsibilities: develop the annual budget for the school system; set school policies; and hire and evaluate the superintendent. In this session, we will review legal requirements for special education compliance and investigate five evidence-based levers that improve outcomes for special education students. Participants will have opportunities for collaborative problem-solving.
Amy Pleet-Odle, Inclusion Coach, Inclusion Focused Coaching, LLC
Equity in Action: Strategies for School Boards to Support LGBTQ+ Students
Join us for a dynamic three-hour pre-conference session for school board members and education leaders. This session will build practical skills and a deeper understanding of LGBTQ+ student issues. Participants will learn to identify and address microaggressions and implicit biases through interactive discussions and hands-on activities. Attendees will develop strategies to support and advocate for LGBTQ+ students, boost their confidence in fostering inclusivity, and create actionable plans for continued growth in this vital area.
Michael Dodge, Trainer, Massachusetts Association of School Committees
Stefania Raschilla, Superintendent, West Springfield Public Schools (MA)
Kerry Martins, Executive Director of Community Relations and Educational Services, West Springfield Public Schools (MA)
Re-Imagining Rural Education Through an Equity Lens
A small rural district on the Eastern Shore of Maryland works collaboratively with the local management board, businesses, and community partners to take a deep look at student data ( the disparities among sub-groups), create student advisory groups, and make the community their classroom with EQUITY — E (each student) Q (quality) U (understanding) I (instructional practices) T (transparency) Y (a culture of yes) — as the focus.
Sharon Pepukayi, Superintendent, Talbot County Public Schools (MD)
Emily Jackson, Board President, Talbot County Public Schools (MD)
Candace Henry, Board Vice-President, Talbot County Public Schools (MD)