American School Board Journal: February 2025

American School Board Journal: February 2025

This issue’s cover story, “ESSER Success Stories,” looks at how three districts used their federal COVID recovery funds to help students overcome the lasting impact of the pandemic. “Indoor Air Quality Matters” introduces NSBA’s new partnership with the Go Green Initiative and the crucial work of improving indoor air quality for student health and academic achievement. In the State Member Spotlight, learn about innovations by the New York State School Boards Association to meet the changing needs of school boards.

Teacher holding a book in front of her class



Leadership Matters: Changes, events, and celebrations
February’s Advocacy and Equity Institute, articles on ESSER funds’ impact on school districts, and NSBA’s new partnership with the Go Green Initiative are among the topics that NSBA Executive Director and CEO Verjeana McCotter-Jacobs highlights in this issue’s column. 

President’s Perspective: The largest unfunded mandate in the nation’s history
NSBA 2024-25 President Donald Hubler reminds readers that for far too long, the federal government has not met its Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funding commitment. This unfunded mandate leaves states and local school districts with the additional costs required to provide the services needed by our students with disabilities.


ESSER Success Stories
In this article, ASBJ looks at how three districts across the nation—Oregon’s Bethel School District, Indiana’s Indianapolis Public Schools, and New Jersey’s Hoboken Public Schools—used ESSER dollars and what they face now that those funds are no longer available.

Indoor Air Quality Matters
Failure to prevent or respond promptly to indoor air quality problems can increase short- and long-term health effects for students and staff, increase absenteeism, reduce academic performance, and shorten the lifespan and effectiveness of facility systems and equipment, according to the EPA.

Fostering Change
Although Marcus Foster’s 25-year career was cut tragically short, his legacy can tell us much about the history of urban schooling and remains relevant for school board members and educators today.

State Member Spotlight: Meet the Changing Needs of School Boards
Three new services and trainings launched since the pandemic showcase how NYSSBA has evolved to meet its members where they are and where they are headed.

Planning for the Future
Unfortunately, many school boards and district administrators do not have succession plans for their top leadership positions. Identifying and cultivating leaders among district staff—central office staff, building leaders, and teachers—requires intentional effort.


Book Review: Brown: Thought-Provoking But Incomplete
In Radical Brown: Keeping the Promise to America’s Children (Harvard Education Press, 2024), renowned developmental scholar Margaret Beale Spencer and legal analyst Nancy E. Dowd offer a transformative reexamination of the landmark Brown decision, says reviewer Amy J. Good.

Q&A With AmeriCorps CEO Michael D. Smith
At the Council of Urban Boards of Education Annual Conference, keynote speaker Michael D. Smith highlighted the tens of thousands of AmeriCorps members and senior members supporting pre-K-12 schools and after-school programs.


2024 Award for Urban School Excellence
The Annual CUBE District Award recognizes distinction in school board governance, academic improvement, educational equity, and community engagement.

Tireless Advocate for Workforce Development and Equity
William (Bill) Turner is praised for his empathy, leadership, commitment to collaboration, and community-building efforts that inspire others.

Chairman’s Column: The Leaders of the Leaders
CUBE Steering Committee Chair Gill Garrett urges school board members to commit to being the solution-driven leaders needed to make change for our schools, 


Research: How State Education Agencies Are Leveraging ESSER Funds
Online data tools created by the Council of Chief State School Officers can help district leaders explore how states have used ESSER set-aside funds and make informed decisions to improve educational outcomes across their districts.


Life Skills and Wellness Programs for Students Help Accelerate Learning and Create Effective Learning Environments

Coming Next Issue: Magna Awards 2025